Friday, August 12, 2011

Rainlendar Pro 2.8.1 Full Version

Rainlendar Pro 2.8.1 Build 103 Final Multilingual Rainlendar merupakan aplikasi kalender desktop yang sangat berguna untuk membuat catatan-catatan kecil mengenai event dan appointment maupun schedue kegiatan rutin kita sehari-hari. Aplikasi ini ringan dan tidak rakus memori sehingga nyaman untuk digunakan, bahkan agan-agan bisa melakukan subscribe ke kalender online sehingga agan-agan bisa melihat appointment outlook pada aplikasi ini. Hal yang tidak kalah menariknya adalah bahwa agan-agan bisa...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Teracopy V2.2 Final Full Version

Teracopy V2.2 Final Incl Key TeraCopy is a compact program designed to copy and move files at the maximum possible speed, providing the user a lot of features: * Copy files faster. TeraCopy uses dynamically adjusted buffers to reduce seek times. Asynchronous copy speeds up file transfer between two physical hard drives.* Pause and resume file transfers. Pause copy process at any time to free up system resources and continue with a single click.* Error recovery. In case of copy error, TeraCopy...

Internet Download Manager v6.07 Full Version

Internet Download Manager v6.07 Build 8 Final Retail Version 6.07 Final Build 8 is available (Aug/08/2011) What's new in version 6.07 Build 8? - Fixed bugs Open link in new tab !!Download via WuploadDownload via EnteruploadDownload via Fileso...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cara menghilangkan tanda panah pada shortcut icon di desktop

For Windows XP Tampilan icon di desktop pada windows xp secara umum terdapat tanda anak panahnya. Tampilan seperti itu sebenarnya juga tidak mengganggu proses kerja atau kinerja windows. Sehingga apabila dibiarkan sajapun juga tidak apa-apa. Namun jika tanda anak panah pada shortcut icon di desktop tersebut dihilangkan, maka tampilan desktop akan lebih menarik dan enak dipandang. Bandingkan saja gambar-gambar dibawah ini. Untuk menghilangkan tanda panah pada icon di desktop, berikut ini langkah-langkahnya...

ExtremeCopy Pro Full Version

ExtremeCopy Pro 2.0.5 What's ExtremeCopy ? ExtremeCopy is a Windows copy file tool which copy and move files and folders extremely fast and operation is simple the same as Windows Explorer default copy handler,it can increase 20% ~ 120% speed up than Windows copy handler. It includs some powerful features such as pause copy process,error recovery,data verification and so on but as easy as Windows default does. It is really good copy tool for backup file Support Operation System: XP / 2003...

Internet Download Manager 6.07 Build 7 Full Version

Internet Download Manager 6.07 Build 7 Retail By CiN1-Team What's new in version 6.07 build 7?(Released: Aug 01, 2011)Enhanced "Speed Limiter". Added the feature to set an individual limit for every download Redesigned "Download progress" dialog, added new tabs and the possibility to disable tabs that are not necessary for you Fixed bugs Open link in new tab !!Download via FileserveDownload via FilesonicDownload via WuploadDownload via Mediaf...

DeepFreeze Standard v7 Full Version

DeepFreeze Standard v7.0.020.3172 The new version of Deep Freeze from the company Faronics, allowing to freeze the current state of the system. An application can safely recommend system administrators, whose job is to service a local area network of libraries, schools, Internet cafes. Nothing will protect your system, like Deep Freeze. The program is closely integrated with the operating system and records all changes made by the user, in specially designated areas on your hard disk. After the...

Secure Folder Full Version

Secure Folder Size : 390 KBSupport : Windows XP / Vista / 7 Secure your folders with this tool. Secure Folder is a simple, tiny program developed to help you password secure your folders with just a few clicks. The secured folders cannot be deleted, renamed, moved, copied, modified, accessed.  Here are some key features of "Secure Folder": · Unlimited number of folders can be protected at the same time.· Intuitive & easy-to-use interface.· Implements 256-bit AES (Rijndael) algorithm...

ACDSee Photo Manager 12 Full Version

ACDSee Photo Manager 12 + Keygen  * Apa itu ACDSee ??ACDSee adalah software #1 digital imaging di dunia, Dengan browser foto, Anda dapat menemukan, mengatur, dan file preview gambar dan ini di jadikan media pada komputer Anda.. , ACDSee mencakup berbagai alat editing gambar dapat yang di gunakan untuk membuat, mengedit dan touch-up gambar digital Anda, beberapa tool seperti red-eye reduction, crop, sharpen, blur, dan embos untuk meningkatkan atau memperbaiki foto Anda, dan alat manajemen Gambar,...

Dosof Audio Player Full Version

 ♫♫ Dosof Simple Audio Player ♪♪ Dosof Audio Player adalah sebuah software pemutar audio yang simple namun dapat mendukung plugin audio yang sangat populer seperti :1. Advanced Audio Coding2. Advanced Audio Coding MPEG-4 (MP4)3. Monkey`s Audio4. CD Audio (CDA)5. Free Lossless Audio Codec (ogg)6. FreeImage librarySoftware ini bersifat gratis dan anda bebas memakai dan menyebar luaskan tanpa mengurangi sedikitpun isi yang ada didalam file ini. Keunggulan Dosof Audio Player :Dapat memainkan...

MAGIX PC Check & Tunning 2011 Full Version

MAGIX PC Check & Tunning 2011 Version 6.0.402.1045 Aplikasi profesional ini dikhususkan untuk meningkatkan performa sistem.Sangat cocok digunakan pada PC/Laptop/Netbook yang lambat setelah dipakai sekian lama.Tampilan pada program ini juga sangat user friendly sehingga tidak membuat pengguna menjadi bingung,berikut adalah fitur-fitur dari MAGIX PC Check & Tuning :Check PC & Fix All Problem = dengan satu kali klik maka software ini akan memeriksa masalah-masalah yang membuat lambat dan...

Asterisk Password Decryptor v2.92.84 Full Version

Asterisk Password Decryptor v2.92.84 Asterisk Password Decryptor is a powerful tool to recover lost or forgotten passwords. It allows you to reveal the hidden passwords on password dialog boxes and web pages that are hidden by the row of asterisks (*****). You can simply drag the icon to any password box to find the real password hidden by the asterisks. Asterisk Password Decryptor instantly recovers lost passwords from most Windows applications that store passwords hidden behind the asterisks....